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Some Maintenance Issues About The Locker

Mar 17, 2021

Now, the maintenance of the locker has not received universal attention. Usually, people regret it when the locker is damaged or scratched. Why didn't you realize the importance of the maintenance of the locker earlier? Fortunately, now I realize that it is not too late. Next, let us learn how to maintain the locker.

Why is the brand new locker we saw in the specialty store very smooth and shiny, but not long after I bought it home, I found that it was desolate? This is because we do not pay attention to the care and maintenance of the locker. Generally, the locker has been waxed, which will make the surface smoother and not easy to be eaten by insects. At the same time, when we wipe the surface of the locker with a damp cloth, the wax layer can also effectively prevent water from penetrating in and play a protective role. But after a long time, the wax layer will wear off, and you need to re-wax at this time.

Because our current living environment is relatively poor and there is a lot of dust in the air, we must often clean and wipe the locker. Do not use a damp cloth when wiping. It is advisable not to wring out the water, otherwise the locker may become damp. If you encounter some very stubborn stains such as oil stains, you can add a little detergent to the rag, so that you can easily eliminate the stains on the locker. In addition, the locker is prone to odor after a long time of use, so the locker should be disinfected and deodorized every once in a while. Only in this way can we use it with peace of mind and comfort.

Depending on the material of the locker, the maintenance work that needs to be done is also different. For example, plastic lockers should be avoided in direct sunlight, and be careful not to be violently hit by hard objects, and not to be crossed by sharp objects. Metal lockers should pay attention to the problems of rust and corrosion. Pay attention to moisture-proof, fire-proof and insect-proof wooden lockers. Only by treating specific issues in a specific way can we get twice the result with half the effort.

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